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Our team is looking forward to partnering with you regarding the care of your patient.

Let’s get started

Cedar Animal Hospital works closely with our primary care veterinarian partners to ensure we achieve the best outcome for the client/patient. We are here to support you, which is why we make it easy. Are you looking to refer a client/patient to one or more of our many comprehensive emergency and specialty services? Just give us a call at our main number, 616-696-1212, and we’ll get you started.

If one of your clients visits us for emergent or specialized care, they simply need to let one of our staff members know they would like their pet’s visit information shared with you, their primary care provider. All we need is the name of your clinic and your clinic’s email address. When their pet is checked in, you will receive an email with login instructions and full access to the data we have generated during your clients’ visit (charts, test results, notes, etc.).

If you have any questions, reach out to the front desk at 616-696-1212 or your Referral Relationship Manager, Joel Tate, at jtate@cedarah.com.

Cedar Animal Hospital outside

Referral Relationship Manager

We are honored that you’ve chosen to partner with us in the care of your patients. As an additional layer of support, we offer you a dedicated Referral Relationship Manager. Joel Tate is available to support you and discuss any questions about our services. He is your direct contact at our hospital. While you may always call the hospital, we want you to have an additional layer of support in expediting answers to questions, connecting to one of our team members, and/or address concerns.